Computer Science 220 Spring 2017

Computer Science 220 Spring 2017
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Computer Science 220: Programming Language Concepts will be offered in the spring semester with Janyl Jumadinova. Lectures will be held Tuesday and Thursday at 11:00 am with a weekly lab session on Tuesday at 2:30 pm.

A study of the important concepts in the design of programming languages, with emphasis on data types, scoping, binding times, control structures, facilities for abstraction, parallel constructs, and storage allocation. Language constructs are evaluated both for their usefulness in supporting the software development process and the overhead incurred in implementing and using them. Both procedural and non-procedural languages are studied, and students acquire enough literacy in a few of these languages to write moderately sophisticated programs. One laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CMPSC 210 Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.